
Village of Turtle Lake
Board, Committee & Commission Appointments

Board of Review

Andy Koenig, Village Board President & BOR Chair

Pat McCready, Village Board Trustee

Ruth Morton, Village Board Trustee

Finance & Economic Development Committee

Laurie Tarman, Village Board Trustee & Chair

Andy Koenig, Village Board President
Pat McCready, Village Board Trustee
Karrie Stanford, Village Treasurer


Fire Board

Andy Koenig, Village Board President & Chair

Chad Glaubitz, Village Board Trustee

Library Board

Todd Beaver, President

Diane Skrupky, Citizen
Georgeina O'Connell, Citizen
Laurie Tarman, Village Board Trustee
Troy Wagner, School Board

Parks & Recreation Committee

Laurie Tarman, Village Board Trustee & Chair

Jim Pabst, Village Board Trustee
Chad Glaubitz, Village Board Trustee
Cory Davis, Public Works Director

Vacant - Citizen
Vacant - Youth Representative

Personnel Committee

Pat McCready, Village Board/Chair

Andy Koenig, Village Board President
Ruth Morton, Village Board Trustee

Planning Commission

Andy Koenig, Village Board President & Chair

Pat McCready – Village Board Trustee
Laurie Tarman - Village Board Trustee
Cory Davis – Public Works Director
Joyce Hagen – Citizen
Sue Friday-Thill - Citizen
Carl Kleinschmidt – Citizen

Police Review Committee

Chad Glaubitz, Village Trustee & Chair

Paula Pittman - Citizen
Heidi Paulson - Citizen
Alan Gabe Jr. - Citizen

Public Works Committee

Andy Koenig, Village Board Trustee & Chair

Chad Glaubitz, Village Board Trustee
Vacant, Village Board Trustee

Tourism Commission

Kayla Peschel, Chair & Event Coordinator

Ruth Morton, Village Board Trustee
Georgeina O'Connell, Business Owner
Dave Skrupky, GTLAA Member
Pat McCready, Village Board Trustee


Zoning Board of Appeals

Steve Heintz, Citizen & Chair  

Tim Moriak, Citizen
Randy Slack, Citizen
Cory Kleinschmidt, Citizen
Alternate – Vacant
Alternate – Vacant

Other Village Employees/Contacts


 Karen Jenkinson
715-986-2241, Ext. 5


Treasurer Karrie Stanford
715-986-2241, Ext. 2


Chief of Police
Derek Posey


Public Works Director Cory Davis
Court/Utility Clerk
Kristy Lowe
715-986-2241, Ext. 3
Municipal Judge
Dennis Zemke
715-986-2241, Ext. 3
Village Attorney

Chris Gierhart - Weld, Riley, S.C.

Labor Attorney

Weld, Riley, S.C.

Prosecuting Attorney

Ben Ludeman - Weld, Riley, S.C.

Assessor Prochnow Assessing - Randy Prochnow
Health Officer
Jamie McCready
Depository Institutions

Dairy State Bank - 715-986-4181
Cumberland Federal Bank - 715-822-2249


Official Newspaper
The Times - Halco Press, Editor Dave Slack

Note: The Village President shall serve as ex-officio member on all committees to which they are not appointed. Committee term lengths are one year unless otherwise stated.